3MHz Function Generator, frequency range of 0.03Hz to 3MHz, simultaneous display of frequency and amplitude, high waveform quality, 2mV to 20V pk-pk from 50 Ohms or 600 Ohms, variable symmetry with constant frequency.
The 3MHz function generator is optimal to be used together with the D179 performance checker, to calibrate and check EEG amplifiers. The function generator is suitable for clinical neurophysiology departments that are exclusively concerned with EEG measurements. The function generator has a frequency range of 0.03Hz to 3MHz. It includes a dual digital display of frequency and amplitude, along with the basic generator functions of sine, square & triangle waveforms, variable DC offset, variable symmetry and an external sweep input.
System Features
- 0.03Hz to 3MHz frequency range
- Simultaneous display of frequency and amplitude
- Very high waveform quality at all frequencies and levels
- 2mV to 20V pk-pk from 50Ω or 600Ω
- Auxiliary TTL/CMOS output
- Variable symmetry with constant frequency
- Variable DC offset with zero detent
- 1000:1 frequency change by vernier or sweep voltage
- Dual digital displays
- Fast and accurate frequency measurement
Technical Specifications
- Frequency Range: 0.03Hz to 3MHz in 7 overlapping decade ranges with fine adjustment by a vernier
- Vernier Range: 1000:1 on each range
- 5 different operating modes
- Frequency on generator mode: Auto-ranging reciprocal measurement giving 4 digit resolution for frequencies down to 1Hz; the maximum resolution is 0.001Hz. Accuracy ±1 digit for 0.2Hz to 3MHz. Below o.2Hz accuracy is ±1% of full-scale range (symmetry off)
- Amplitude: Display corrected for attenuator setting. A 3-Digit resolution, accuracy normally 5% of range. Clipping indicator on display.
- DC Offset: A 3-Digit resolution; accuracy normally ±2% of setting ±1 digit. Display corrected for attenuator setting. Clipping indicator on display.
- Output Amplitude (main - 50Ω): 2mV to 20V peak-peak open circuit (1mV to 10V peak-peak into 50Ω) in four switch-selectable ranges with 20dB vernier control within each range
- Output Attenuator Ranges (main - 50Ω): 0dB, -20dB, -40dB, -60dB
- Output DC Offset Range (main - 50Ω): ±10V from 50Ω. DC offset plus signal peak limited to ±10V (±5V into 50Ω). DC offset plus waveform attenuated proportionally by the atttentuator.
- Output main - 600Ω: Alternative output socket offering the same facilities as the 50Ω socket.
- Aux out: 0 to 5V TTL/CMOS logic levels capable of driving 2 standard TTL loads. Frequency, symmetry and phase as the main output
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