Kendall 100 Series Foam Electrodes


Kendall (MEDITRACE) 100 Series Foam Electrodes by Covidien come with conductive adhesive hydrogel (latex free), press-stud connector and Ag/AgCl electrode material. Size: 30mm x 22mm. 100 electrodes per pack.

These Kendall 100 Series Foam Electrodes - also commonly referred to as MEDITRACE - are adhesive and disposable electrodes from Covidien. The low profile foam substrate is fluid and tear resistant. Resists fluids and conforms easily to skin to ensure excellent trace quality. They contain a specially engineered conductive and adhesive hydrogel from Covidien which maximizes adhesion and electrical contact during ECG, EMG and other biosignal acquisition measurements.

Kendall 100 Series Foam Electrodes are 30mm x 22mm in size. They come equipped with a press-stud/snap connector and Ag/AgCl electrode measuring material.

100 x Kendall 100 Series Foam Electrodes per pack.


Technical Specifications

  • Size: 30mm x 22mm
  • Gel: Conductive and adhesive hydrogel
  • Applications: ECG, EMG, ICG (impedance cardiography) and many other biosignal acquisitions
  • Packaging: 100 x Kendall 100 Series Foam Electrodes per pack