EMSE Image Processor


Starting with a volumetric dataset from the MR VIEWER base module, IMAGE PROCESSOR tools support segmentation, boundary mesh generation, and cortical unfolding. The output may be made available to VISUALIZER for 3D rendering, or to SOURCE ESTIMATOR for realistic headshape modeling and cortical surface restriction.

Please note: All Prices are educational [EDU] / academic. For non educational / academic prices contact NEUROSPEC AG.

Starting with a volumetric dataset from the MR VIEWER base module, IMAGE PROCESSOR tools support segmentation, boundary mesh generation, and cortical unfolding. The output may be made available to VISUALIZER for 3D rendering, or to SOURCE ESTIMATOR for realistic headshape modeling and cortical surface restriction.

Please note: All Prices are educational [EDU] / academic. For non educational / academic prices contact NEUROSPEC AG.

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