EMSE Suite (Complete Package including Locator)


EMSE is a suite of advanced, powerful, and useable software tools to measure, describe, and visualize human brain dynamics, used worldwide for research in neuroscience, neurotechnology, and clinical neurophysiology. We specialize in multimodal source estimation techniques, enabling the researcher to combine EEG and MRI datasets to better answer where things are happening in the brain, and when things change.

Please note: All Prices are educational [EDU] / academic. For non educational / academic prices contact NEUROSPEC AG.

EMSE is a suite of advanced, powerful, and useable software tools to measure, describe, and visualize human brain dynamics, used worldwide for research in neuroscience, neurotechnology, and clinical neurophysiology. We specialize in multimodal source estimation techniques, enabling the researcher to combine EEG and MRI datasets to better answer where things are happening in the brain, and when things change.

Conventional neuroimaging (for example magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI) can answer the where question, but not the when question. Electroencephalography (EEG) and the closely allied Event-Related Potentials (ERP’s) can tell you when something happened with an accuracy of thousandths of a second, but isn’t very good at the where questions. EMSE combines MRI and EEG to answer both when and where in a way that neither method can answer alone. We call this process multimodal dynamic functional brain imaging or source estimation.

Our principal product is EMSE® Suite, a software toolkit consisting of 6 modules. The modules may be purchased separately, or as a bundle. Taken together, EMSE® Suite supports the key steps required to combine electrophysiological data (like EEG and MEG) with image data (like CT or MRI) for multimodal dynamic functional imaging. Taken separately, individual modules may be used by customers who wish only a subset of the complete functionality (e.g. EEG time series analysis and display). EMSE® Suite runs under the Microsoft Windows family of operating systems as well as Linux, on Intel- compatible processors.

Please note: All Prices are educational [EDU] / academic. For non educational / academic prices contact NEUROSPEC AG.

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